Self-registration allows users to sign up to Form themselves, saving administrators time and effort. Self-registration can be enabled at a workspace level.
This is done by generating a self-registration keys and sharing the attached link to your staff who are needed to create Form accounts. They enter their details and access their training themselves.
Setting autoenrollment rules alongside self registration means that once in, your learners can be enrolled in all the correct courses needed without an administrator having to do any extra work.
Role required: Site admin
Watch this short video explainer:
Creating a self-registration key
- Go to the Setup tab then select workspaces
- Click edit
- Select Self-registration
- Click the toggle to enable self-registration
- Once enabled you are able to generate a new key by selecting 'Generate new key'. You can then choose:
- The key name
- Number of users that are allowed to use the key
- An expiry date, if one is needed
- The organisational units that users with this key can access
- Any groups you want to allow users with this key to access
- Finally set the key status to active if you are ready to use it right away. If not you can switch the key on later.
- Once the key has been generated, click the Link icon to copy the key which you can then share to your users.
Multiple self-registration keys can be created within a workspace allowing you to direct users to register to the right area of your organisation.
When a user is sent a self-registration link from an organisation, they will follow this link and fill out all necessary information to create their user account. For more information, please view the Using a self-registration link guide.