Login as a learner allows workspace admins to see Form the way a learner sees it. This lets admins demonstrate, troubleshoot, and experience learner-specific features.
Role required: Site admin, Admin
Login as a learner
- To login as a learner, go to the People tab > Users. First, find the learner you want to impersonate. Note: if you are a Site admin, you need to be in the learner's workspace. After finding the learner you can click the dropdown arrow to see their profile details, including workspace, and then click on the workspace name to take you there.
- Once you have found them, click the three dots > Login as learner.
- You will now be seeing the learner's perspective, this is shown by the icons in the top right - a red circle with the initials of the learner will overlap a grey circle with your initials.
- Anything you do while impersonating a learner will be done as if you were them, so any changes will show on their account - including completing courses or accessing modules.
- Once you're done with the learner view and want to go back to your admin view, click the two overlapping circles in the top-right corner, and at the bottom of the dropdown menu click Back to admin.