Workflows can be set up to allow automatic re-enrolments. For example, if a course is required to be completed annually (such as GDPR training) learners can be automatically re-enrolled onto the course on an annual basis. Alternatively, workflows can also be to assign another course once one has been completed. For example, if a learner has completed Safeguarding level 1, you may want them to complete Safeguarding level 2.
Role required: Site admin, Admin
Creating a workflow
To create a new workflow, go to People → Workflows, and click the Create Workflow button.
You'll need to fill out the mandatory fields - marked with an asterisk.
- Name - provide a name that can be used to identify the workflow.
- Description - provide a description of the workflow, for example, what the workflow will do.
- When learners from - this is your target audience, so who the rule will apply too. This can be either one or more Groups or Organisation Units. You can't select both Groups and Organisation Units in the same workflow.
- Have Completed - by selecting a course here, it will prompt the workflow to start.
- Enrol to - this is the target course, so the learners will be enrolled in the course after they have completed the source course and the period of chosen time has passed.
- Timeframe - Choose when the workflow should trigger for all learners with completions outside of the enrolment interval.
- Immediately - Learners will be enrolled on the subsequent course immediately after they have completed the current course.
- Scheduled - this is the amount of time between learner's completion and enrolment onto the selected course. For example, if it's set to 365-days (52-weeks), in that time the learner will be enrolled onto the selected course.
- Status - by default the status is set to active, so if you wish to save the workflow as a draft, and not run it, you will need to change the status to inactive.
Finally, once you have created, or drafted, your workflow and are happy with the settings, click the Create button at the top of the page.
Workflows menu
The workflow you just created will now appear in your list of workflows and show the names and descriptions of each workflow. On this page, you can filter and search through the list. If you have multiple workflows, you can search using the search box, using the name or a keyword. You can also filter the list by clicking the Filter button, which will reveal a series of filters that can be used to filter down the list.
You are also able to review which workflows have run, by clicking the Explore logs button at the top, this will contain a list of every workflow that has run previously, and will tell if you if it ran successfully or not. If it wasn't successful, it will advise why, for example, if you didn't have enough licenses to satisfy the course enrolments.
Edit workflow
If you wish to change the settings of a workflow, search for the relevant workflow, click the Edit on the row for that workflow. You will be taken to the workflow settings, where you can make the necessary changes, you can also deactivate or re-activate the workflow. Once you are happy click Update at the top of the page to confirm the changes.
Deleting an Workflow
To delete an workflow you have created, simply click the 3 dot button → Archive. This will remove it from being seen in the workflow page.