Dashboard reports offer at-a-glance views of performance in your workspace, showing a variety of metrics, across different reports, and giving enhanced visibility to workspace admins. It is accessed via the Reports tab.
Role required: Site admin, Admin.
Digital Learning
The Digital Learning report is the first thing you see when clicking the Reports tab. It shows the total number of enrolments for a given course by current status. You can select which courses appear in this report by clicking the Select courses button, the selections made here will be saved and loaded anytime this report is accessed.
The blue segment shows how many people are enrolled on a course but have not started, the orange segment shows those who have enrolled and who are in progress with the course, and the green segment, those who have fully completed a course.
Report filters
Dashboard reports can be filtered down by Date range, Organisation unit, or Group, by clicking into the field you want to filter by and selecting Apply.
When a filter is applied to any of the dashboard reports (except System usage, see below), it will remain for the duration of your session.
Where applicable, you can export a graph with the filters applied, as an image or as an excel file, by clicking the three horizontal lines at the top right of the graph for more options.
System Usage
The System usage dashboard reports on key figures, such as the number of Users, Average logins per day, Hours of training time, etc.. This report can be filtered by either the Last 12 Months or the Last Month, with a tick box to include weekends.
Learning Activity
The Learning Activity report shows Course completion over time and the Total time spent on digital learning. Filters can also be applied.
Course Completion Overview
The Course completion overview shows the total number of people Enrolled and how many have Completed the course. This report will include all courses active on the workspace. Filters can be applied, and you can also Search to find specific courses.