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February 2025
Version 1.130.0 - 13th February 2025
Reporting improvements
- Report builder – Optimised the UI with reduced description box height and dropdown report selector. Columns can now be reordered via drag-and-drop, with improved grouping and clearer naming.
- Report visibility – Ensured report columns remain visible even when a custom field used in the report has been deleted.
- Report output display – Optimised on-page report output to avoid showing 'Read more' when only two lines of text are present.
Course management
- Course display – Resolved an issue where course images were not displaying correctly in the learner's card view.
- Conditional enrolment – Enforced administrator approval for event bookings with conditional enrolment settings.
- Section management – Renamed 'Expand all groups' module to 'Expand all sections' for consistency and optimised visibility behaviour when no sections exist.
- Course notifications – Fixed default settings to correctly display dynamic number of days and occurrences.
User management
- Pending users filter – Added filtering option to display pending users in the user list.
- Organisation unit display – Invited users' selected organisation unit is now visible on the Edit user page.
- User export enhancement – Added user metadata columns to bulk actions when exporting users to CSV format.
- Password reset communication – Updated the password reset notification to display complete reset instructions to learners.
January 2025
Version 1.129.0 - 29th January 2025
Improvements and bug fixes
- Document visibility fix – Resolved an issue where learners could not see documents attached to courses.
- Course reminders fixed – Course completion reminders are now being sent as expected.
- Course feedback enhancements – The layout for course feedback, course reminders, and certificate selection has been improved.
- Groups and organisation units UI refinements – Minor adjustments to the layout on Groups and Organisation Unit pages to improve consistency.
- Temporary change to course enrolment – The "Enrol to courses" option has been temporarily removed pending a fix to the displayed course list.
Version 1.128.0 - 27th January 2025
Optimisations for reporting and system performance
This update includes significant performance enhancements to synchronisation scripts and database queries, leading to faster report generation and improved application responsiveness.
- Report engine optimisation – We've streamlined how data is processed in the report engine, significantly reducing database load. As a result, the Course Completions report now runs much faster, both on-page and on csv export.
- Faster enrolment processing – Enrolment data now updates faster and more accurately.
Version 1.127.1 - 19th January 2025
Performance improvements
We've introduced HTTP caching to reduce system load and improve application response times.
Version 1.127.0 - 15th January 2025
Bug fixes and improvements
- Report name and description issue – Resolved an issue where toggling the name of a report did not update the description.
- Exporting reports to CSV – Fixed an error preventing the generation of CSV files when exporting reports.
- Welcome text formatting – Addressed an issue where formatting such as bullet points were not displaying properly for learners in the welcome text.
- Site admin auto enrolment rule – Prevented site admins from creating auto enrolment rules without specifying a target audience.
- Course URL save error – Fixed a bug that caused errors when attempting to save URL links on unpublished courses.
- Workflow validation message – Removed unnecessary validation messages displayed under the organisation unit list on the create workflow page.
- Workflows – Resolved issues preventing some workflows from triggering and enrolling users correctly.
- Course reminder email – Resolved an issue where custom course completion reminders were not editable.
- Additional menu option – Added the ability to copy invitation links via the three-dot menu, streamlining the invitation process.
- Admin view of learner history – Updated the styling of nested lists to improve readability on the admin view of learner history.
December 2024
Version 1.126.0 - 20th December 2024
Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fixed administrator booking list messages – Resolved an issue where administrators were incorrectly seeing on-page messages intended for managers on the event booking list.
- Course completion page optimisation – Improved performance on the learner course completion page to ensure new certificates are immediately available upon course completion.
- Auto-enrolment checks – Added checks to confirm all auto-enrolment courses are applied and visible to administrators before user invitations are sent.
Version 1.125.0 - 6th December 2024
Infrastructure update
In this release, we’ve prioritised delivering Infrastructure as Code (IaC). By using IaC over manual deployment, we can enhance scalability, consistency, and manageability. This approach ensures reliable infrastructure setups and reduces operational risks across the platform.
November 2024
Version 1.124.0 - 28th November 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where amending a user’s details caused their Group association to be removed.
- Added the full path to organisation units in the export users list for improved clarity.
- Resolved an issue where non-mandatory fields behaved as mandatory fields in feedback forms, preventing users from submitting their feedback.
- Fixed a problem where the module launch button incorrectly highlighted the next module before the current one was completed.
- Addressed an issue where admins were, in certain circumstances, unable to set visibility for newly created courses.
System optimisations:
- Streamlined operations by limiting requests for listing courses and events to a single, consolidated query.
- Minimised unnecessary traffic by optimising the handling of user-profile requests.
- Enhanced the SCORM engine for faster and more efficient performance.
- Improved the performance of the course details pages for learners.
Version 1.123.0 - 14th November 2024
SCORM engine optimisation
- This release focused on optimising our SCORM engine to improve performance when posting scores from SCORM modules. As we deprecate the old version over the coming weeks we will see benefits in application responsiveness across the whole application.
October 2024
Version 1.122.0 - 11th October 2024
Bug Fixes and interface enhancements
- Manager's Organisation Units update resolved – Fixed an issue where managers' organisation units were not updating correctly when displayed on the organisation hierarchy page.
- Auto-enrolment and Workflows improvements – We have combined the Auto-enrolment and Workflows Org units and Groups tabs into unified lists, providing a streamlined view for all Auto-enrolment and Workflow rules. A new "Audience Type" column and filter have been added to improve usability.
- Event Session 'Places available' fix – Removed an incorrect entry that displayed an inaccurate number of available places for an event session.
- Plus some other minor bug fixes and optimisations for super admins.
Version 1.121.0 - 3rd October 2024
Improvements for Manager role and bug fixes
- Manager enrolment issue resolved – Managers can now withdraw enrolments without issues.
- Event bookings visibility fixed – Managers are now able to view the event bookings list as expected.
- Organisation unit management corrected – Managers will only see and manage the organisation units they are assigned to. They can now see only their managed units when Editing and Inviting learners and enrolling to courses.
- Self-registration key fix – Resolved an issue where organisation units were not displaying during self-registration key creation.
- My profile page access – Resolved an issue where users were unable to access their profile page.
- Module completion timeout resolved – Fixed a timeout issue that prevented some learners from completing modules and generating certificates.
September 2024
Version 1.120.0 - 26th September 2024
New Features and Enhancements
- Loading animation for events – Introduced a loading animation to inform users when a large number of upcoming events are being loaded.
- Combined venues and rooms view – Added a new table view to display Venues and Rooms together, with all functionality available on a single page.
- Room capacity column – Added a room capacity column when selecting a room for an event, making it clearer how many seats are available in each room.
Version 1.119.0 - 19th September 2024
Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
- Calendar view issue – Resolved an issue where some learners could not see events in the calendar view.
- Organisation hierarchy load time – Improved load times when viewing large organisation hierarchies.
- Draft session booking error – Prevented users from encountering an error when attempting to book learners onto sessions still marked as draft.
- Custom booking notifications – Resolved an issue where custom booking notifications were not delivered to all users.
Version 1.118.0 - 12th September 2024
Bug fixes and performance improvements
- Session cancellation reasons – Resolved an issue where session cancellation reasons were being cut off when more than 7 reasons were listed.
- Booking list – Fixed an issue where the 'Available for booking' list was showing users that were already booked.
- Performance improvements – Optimised performance for managing organisation unit structure and the 'Available for booking' screens to speed up event booking and other workflows.
- Bulk invite compact view – Introduced a more compact view for bulk invites to allow more detail to be viewed on one page.
Version 1.117.0 - 4th September 2024
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
In this release, we've addressed key issues and added various optimisations to enhance both system performance and the user interface.
- Enhanced Authorisation – Addressed authorisation issues to improve overall system security.
- Error Handling – Fixed errors occurring during manager profile updates and password resets.
- Event booking – Optimised the process of booking learners onto sessions, significantly reducing operation time.
- Organisation Units – Investigated and optimised endpoints related to organisation units for better performance.
- Event Editing – Improved loading time when editing events for a smoother user experience.
- Site Settings – Updated the cancel button functionality in site settings for better usability.
- Course Search – Added a 'Type' column to the Advanced search course selector in Auto-enrolments and Workflows.
- Bulk Invite – Made UI improvements to the bulk invite feature for a more intuitive process.
- Image Selection – Enhanced the 'Choose image' slideout functionality.
August 2024
Version 1.116.0 - 28th August 2024
Feature enhancements and bug fixes
- Optimised SCORM module score updates – Enhanced data posting for SCORM modules to reduce application load and improve performance.
- Auto-enrolments optimisation – Introduced a 'queue and retry' system for handling large volumes of automatic enrolments, reducing database locks and timeouts.
- Report builder date format update – Updated date formats in selected report builder filters to the day-month-year format.
- Location-based breadcrumbs – Introduced location-based breadcrumbs for Events and Sessions, improving navigation and user orientation.
- Menu link update – Renamed the link under the 3-dot menu on the Events list for clearer access to event sessions.
- Edit event view improvements – The Edit Event view now includes a View Sessions button and better aligned controls.
- Whitespace adjustments – Added whitespace above course and event images in learner and preview views to improve layout.
- Org Unit selector update – The Report Builder Org Unit selector has been updated so that selecting a parent unit now automatically selects all child units.
- Event level options – Integrated Event Level options directly into the Edit Course Content tab, streamlining course management.
- Bulk invite spinner fix – Resolved a minor visual issue where the bulk upload spinner would freeze during bulk invites.
- Site Admin 404 error fix – Fixed a bug causing Site Admins to encounter a 404 error after clicking the Bulk Actions button.
Version 1.115.0 - 21st August 2024
Feature enhancements and bug fixes
- Save and Cancel button alignment – Adjusted the alignment of the Save and Cancel buttons across the site for improved consistency.
- Bulk invite page improvements – Replaced the left navigation column with breadcrumb links freeing up space for reviewing the invited learners table.
- Report Builder Date Filters – Refined the text in date filters within the report builder for better consistency and clarity.
- Auto-enrolments and Workflows lists – Replaced the selected organisation unit and target courses lists with dropdowns, simplifying the layout on these views.
- Event link correction – Fixed an issue where the Create event link on the homepage was directing users to an incorrect view.
- Phone number input validation – Resolved an issue that prevented users from adding phone numbers of less than 11 digits when creating a venue.
Version 1.114.0 - 8th August 2024
Report builder enhancement
- Additional date filter - We've introduced a new date filter that allows you to filter reports using relative dates. This makes it easier to run reports that show events in the past relative to today, simplifying the creation of scheduled reports on recent activity.
Version 1.113.0 - 1st August 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- Manager role account editing fix - We have resolved an issue that prevented editing of accounts with the Manager role.
- Bulk invite layout optimisation - Adjustments have been made to address layout issues in the bulk invite process.
- Site settings modal update - We've updated the messaging when restoring site settings to the default settings to improve clarity.
- Event image selector enhancement - Changes have been implemented to restrict the image selector on the edit event page to a single image, streamlining the event setup.
- Bulk invite user validation improvements - We've enhanced validations in the bulk invite users table, ensuring data accuracy and integrity.
July 2024
Version 1.112.0 - 25th July 2024
Feature Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- Certificate Date Format – Learners can now see the award date on their certificates formatted as date/month/year.
- Image Selection Button Style – Updated the style of image selection buttons for a cleaner look.
- Site Settings Page – Enhanced the site settings page for improved usability and clarity.
- Bulk User Uploads – Resolved an issue where user field text was overlapping when bulk uploading users.
- Calendar Date Picker – Fixed an issue with the layout of the calendar date picker icon.
- Sessions Info Box – Removed the Sessions info box to declutter the interface.
Version 1.110 - 11th July 2024
Enhancements and fixes
- Event session display - Resolved a layout issue where event sessions were not displayed correctly on mobile devices.
- Improved event session creation - You can now create an event session directly from the event list view and card view, speeding up the session creation workflow.
- Logo upload enabled - You can now upload images directly to the media library when selecting site or certificate logos.
Version 1.109.0 - 4th July 2024
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Resolved an issue where database locking was preventing some workflows from processing overnight enrolments.
- Added additional menu items to the sessions list, making it quicker and easier to access key functions such as booking learners, viewing attendance, and cancelling sessions.
June 2024
Version 1.108.0 - 27th June 2024
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Optimised page load times for events with a high number of sessions.
- Optimised page load times for learners and admins when creating event bookings.
- Added additional menu items and tooltips to the events list, making it quicker and easier to access key functions such as viewing and editing events.
Version 1.107.0 - 20th June 2024
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing enrolment requests from being delivered to admins.
- Added the ability to reset a module from 'In progress' back to 'Not started' for a learner, allowing them to restart a module from the beginning.
Version 1.106.0 - 12th June 2024
Enhancements and bug fixes
- Removed the limit for the number of Organisation Units a manager could manage.
- Resolved an issue preventing report schedule updates from saving.
- Optimised the loading time for Organisation Unit pages and self-registration key lists.
- Improved the calendar view for events to more acurately reflect the start and end times for each session of a multi-day event.
- Updated the week start-day from Sunday to Monday on the datepicker widget across the application to be consistent with calendar views.
May 2024
Version 1.105.0 - 27th May 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- Resolved an issue where certain scheduled reports were returning no data.
- Improved the load speed of dropdown box search results.
- Addressed a problem preventing the submission of feedback forms on course completion.
- Resolved an issue where the enrol learner function was in some cases not returning the full list of learners.
Version 1.104.0 - 23rd May 2024
Maintenance release
This release includes essential maintenance updates to enhance system stability and performance.
Version 1.103.0 - 9th May 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- Standardised Save and Update button locations across the application to improve consistency.
- Added organisation structure hierarchy to report outputs to clearly show organisation units under their parent units.
- Fixed an issue with bulk archiving of user profiles.
- Updated the behaviour of useful links and attachments to courses to always show the first ten articles and links to learners by default.
- Updated the default spacing in the WYSIWYG text editor so that text spacing more accurately reflects the output to learners.
- Adjusted the size of feedback forms to improve legibility.
- Resolved an issue where some courses were not allowing sharing across workspaces.
April 2024
Version 1.102.0 - 25th April 2024
- Updated permissions to prevent managers with insufficient permissions from downloading SCORM modules.
- Addressed an issue where report filter dropdown lists overflowed off screen.
Version 1.101.0 - 18th April 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- Load time optimisation for user lists - We've improved the load times for user lists, making it quicker and easier to enrol and withdraw learners from courses.
- Workflow trigger issue resolved – Addressed a problem where workflows were not being triggered overnight.
Version 1.100.0 - 11th April 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
This update brings further optimisations and bug fixes.
- Learner course completion UI optimisation - We've optimised the feedback popups post-course completion to give learners quick access to feedback forms.
- Workflow trigger issue – Resolved a problem where workflows were not triggering immediately after course completion.
- Scorm module preview for admins – Fixed an issue where admins were unable to preview Scorm modules for certain courses.
- Enrolment request visibility update – Updated the visibility of enrolment requests to show requests from the current workspace only.
Version 1.99.0 - 4th April 2024
Optimisations and bug fixes
- User List Page Loading Optimisation - We've fine-tuned the loading process for user lists, ensuring quicker access to user information.
- Suspended licences visibility – We've resolved an issue where suspended licences were visible in the course catalogue. Now, only active licences and courses will be displayed.
- Admin booking error – A bug that presented admins with an error message when booking learners to a session has been resolved.
March 2024
Version 1.98.0 - 21st March 2024
Performance and stability enhancements
In this release we've made some improvements to performance and stability.
- Page load optimisation - We've improved page load speed on pages showing complex organisation structures.
- Stability improvements – By shifting some of the data reading tasks to a read replica database, we've increased the overall stability of Form LMS.
- Layout improvements – We've tweaked the layout on report builder views to make things easier to read.
Version 1.97.0 - 14th March 2024
Report builder
In this release the Report builder page has been updated to improve functionality.
The ‘Create and Run’ button has been replaced with more dynamic options, allowing for greater flexibility in report management. Users now have the following options:
- Save and run - create and run reports with a single click, maintaining the quick single click functionality you're used to.
- Save changes – save any changes to your report settings, report name or description without re-running the report, streamlining the editing process.
- Generate CSV - Enables you to Generate CSV files directly, enabling quick access to data insights without saving or running the report on screen. This is also useful for verifying your report settings before saving or scheduling.
- Schedule report – You can now schedule a report directly from the report creation page making creating and scheduling a report more convenient.
Issues addressed in this release:
- Course attachment and link visibility: We have fixed an issue where changes made by admins to course attachments and useful links were not reflected in the learner's view, ensuring updates are now immediately visible.
- Image layout correction: Resolved a problem where larger course images were overlapping text on the page.
- Logo loading: Addressed a loading issue where the default Form LMS logo was briefly displayed before a site's custom logo was correctly loaded.
Version 1.96.0 - 7th March 2024
In this release we've added the ability for administrators to edit the name and email address for their invited learners. We have also:
- Fixed an issue where completion dates were not displayed for some courses in a learner's history.
- Resolved an issue where some learners could not access documents attached to a course.
Version 1.95.1 - 1st March 2024
Today we made a smaller release with some user interface improvements.
- We have improved the responsive layout when learners view sessions of an event on smaller screens and mobile devices.
- Resolved a background colour styling issue on the Organisation Units page for sites where a custom dark background was selected.
February 2024
Version 1.95.0 - 29th February 2024
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance.
- Optimised the load time on Dashboard Reports to speed up load times when loading details of course completions.
- Improved the user experience when adding Organisation Units.
- Resolved an issue when re-inviting archived users where their profiles could not be restored.
- Resolved an issue where some courses could not be unshared from a workspace.
Version 1.94.0 - 15th February 2024
Course sharing
In this release we have improved the course sharing process and added the ability to 'unshare' courses from a workspace.
For clients managing multiple workspaces, we've introduced a new feature enabling the removal or 'unsharing' of courses from specific workspaces improving control over course visibility.
This update provides the ability to not only manage which courses are visible to learners across your workspaces but also to determine the availability of these courses to workspace administrators.
You now have the flexibility to share a course with all or selected workspaces and to revoke access to a course from any workspace where it's no longer required. When unsharing, you'll be notified of any enrolments, workflows, and auto-enrolment targets associated with the course, ensuring a seamless and informed process. To see how to unshare, please click here.
January 2024
Version 1.93.1 - 25th January 2024
In this release we have addressed the following issue:
- In cases where a high number of enrolments had been cancelled for users, page load times were impacted due to loading these cancelled records. As these cancelled or withdrawn course records are available in reports they have been removed from user history views to improve the user experience.
Version 1.93.0 - 18th January 2024
In this release we have addressed the following issue:
- In cases where a high number of courses were targeted for auto-enrolment to a user group, the enrolments list was truncated and only showed the first ten courses. This has been resolved.
Version 1.92.0 - 11th January 2024
In this release we've improved the user experience in the report builder when selecting multiple organisation units as a filter, making it easier to add and remove multiple organisation units from a report.
We've added filter persistence to the user and course catalogue lists; selected filters are now retained when navigating away to perform common tasks and returning to your pre-filtered list.
The following issues have also been resolved:
- Fixed an issue causing some scheduled reports to fail to run as expected
- Addressed an issue where some learners were unable to download and open their certificates
Version 1.91.0 - 4th January 2024
We've added the ability to sort emails by recipient on the notifications table and resolved the following issues:
- Resolved a broken link which was rediriecting trainers to a missing course page
- Addressed an issue where some new course enrolments were not displayed on the enrolled courses list
- Removed the requirement to include seconds for each course duration
December 2023
Version 1.90.0 - 14th December 2023
Added the ability to quickly export your full users list as a csv file and resolved the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where a custom email sender was not picked up for some event booking email notifications
- Optimised the user list page loading time
- Optimised the load time on a learner's enrolled courses list
Version 1.89.0 - 7th December 2023
Some smaller fixes released this week whilst we complete works on optimising areas of the system architecture.
We have resolved the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where viewing users from the organisation units screen returned no users
- Resolved an issue where user history was not displayed for some user roles
- Fixed the functionality of the cancel button on report scheduling
- Improved the saving of filters when navigating away from a filtered list
November 2023
Version 1.88.0 - 30th November 2023
Added search and filtering enhancements and resolved reporting issues.
- Added a multi-select Organisation Unit picker in the report builder
- Added a search option on the Organisation Unit picker on learner self-registration pages
- Improved the Search functionality on the Learner History page
- Enabled History view for Invited learners - useful for validating imported external training records for users invited to your site
- Resolved the following issues:
- Resolved an issue with the report builder where selecting multiple filters on the same column would return empty records
- Fixed a bug where a session status was not correctly showing as booked on admin and learner history views
Version 1.87.0 - 23rd November 2023
Learner-side fixes and admin filter enhancements.
- Display filters for tables - expanded the options to show up to 200 items per page on paginated lists
- Resolved the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where some learners could not see the duration of their assigned course
- Resolved an issue where course images were not visible to learners once enrolled to a course
- Fixed a display issue where sessions returned an error on some calendar views
Version 1.86.0 - 16th November 2023
Learner-side features, admin filter enhancements and bug fixes.
- Learners can now review SCORM modules after completing a course, instead of having to re-enrol.
- Learners can now cancel session bookings from the course details page.
- Active filters now persist when between pages.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Session reminders set to send 1 day before a session start date were sending at 4am on the day of the session.
Version 1.85.0 - 9th November 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, accessibility and user experience.
- Added calendar view for learners. They can enable this view by going to My Learning → Browse courses → Select the calendar icon on the right of the grey filter bar.
- Optimised speed of bulk enrol and withdraw actions.
- Added alt-text to more visual icons to increase the accessibility of the platform.
- Added a "Skip to main content" button to increase the accessibility of the platform.
- Resolved the following issue:
- Inconsistencies when adding labels to courses as an admin.
October 2023
Version 1.84.0 - 26th October 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Improved navigation for screen readers
- Improved self-registration flow for learners
- Resolved the following issues:
- Calendar view of events taking a long time to load
- Count of learner logins on landing now reflects unique user logins
- Fixed an issue where trainers for an event were unable to record feedback
Version 1.83.0 - 18th October 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- URLs can now be added to course descriptions.
- URLs can now be added to the learner welcome/onboarding text.
- Learners can now view which organisation unit they are in on their profile page.
- Resolved the following issues:
- The download certificate button when viewing a course's details was not working.
- Some scheduled reports were not sending in certain circumstances.
Version 1.82.0 hotfix - 6th October 2023
- Resolved the following issues:
- Feedback forms could not be completed by learners.
- Admins could not use the 'Login as learner' function.
Version 1.82.0 - 3rd October 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Added a shortcut to 'Login as learner' when editing a user as an admin.
- Updated breadcrumbs and active menu states across admin, manager and learner journeys to be more consistent.
- Various accessibility enhancements (additional alt text added, related links grouped by nav element).
- Optimised performance of loading sessions.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Admins were unable to consistency use the 'Other' cancellation reason when cancelling a learner on a session.
- Admins were unexpectedly timed out in certain circumstances.
September 2023
Version 1.81.0 - 28th September 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Organisation units: Added an 'Add child unit' tooltip when hovering over the add child button.
- System usage dashboard report: Changed 'Learners' to 'Active learners' to make it clearer what data is being displayed.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Fixed an issue where the page did not automatically refresh when a trainer feedback form was submitted.
- Fixed an issue where images were not formatted correctly when viewing a session's details page.
- Updated the format of the course completion notification to be consistent with others in the system.
- Removed a reference to PDF certificates when adding an external training record to a learner's history.
- Removed column sorting actions on the 'Site admins and trainers' page as this was causing the data in the table to disappear.
Version 1.80.0 - 27th September 2023
- Optimised bulk invite functionality to allow more invites to be sent in a single session before being timed out.
- Resolved an issue where learners could view (but not book onto) draft and cancelled sessions when viewing an event.
- Resolved an issue where workflows were not displaying to admins when on the workflows page.
Server maintenance - 21st September 2023
Server migration to optimise performance and future-proof Form LMS for future updates.
August 2023
Version 1.79.0 - 31st August 2023
Updates to organisation units and grid styling.
- When searching on the organisation units page, the full parent tree will now be displayed for any matched units.
- Updated the styling of grid elements across the application for visual consistency.
Version 1.78.0 - 24th August 2023
Various UX/UI enhancements, bug fixes and performance optimisations.
- Updated the organisation units and groups pages to enhance UX/UI:
- Updating styling of search bar to be consistent with other pages in the application.
- Rows are now full width to show more content a single row.
- Added a "Rename" option to the dropdown options on each row.
- On the organisation units page, managers can now be shown by hovering over the "X managers" link.
- On the organisation units page, each level of units alternate in background colour, to help differentiate between levels.
- Reduced sizing of form elements (inputs, button groups) to align with reduced button sizes.
- Optimised performance when creating a new session.
- Admins can now filter on archived sessions when viewing an event.
- Updated messaging to notify users they only have 24 hours to verify their account after signing up through self-registration.
- Resolved an issue where Admins were unable to archive sessions in certain circumstances.
Version 1.77.0 - 10th August 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Available sessions were not displaying in chronological order to learners in certain circumstances.
- Reports would show the incorrect description in certain circumstances.
- A small typo in the help text when creating a virtual session.
- A small typo in the course reminder information box when editing a course's reminder notification.
- Selecting an 'Other' absent reason when completing a register could stop the register from being submitted in certain circumstances.
Version 1.76.0 - 3rd August 2023
Updates to UX/UI, reports, notifications and more.
- Reduced sizing of buttons, badges and labels to allow more rows to be visible on tables before scrolling.
- Added a manual 'Try again' option if a course auto-publish fails due to connection issues.
- Updated report filter bar styling to be consistent with rest of application.
- Reverted the logout action in the user dropdown back to a button.
- Added a 'Last edited' column to the reports page. Reports on the this page are now automatically sorted by this column.
- Updated on-screen messaging to be clearer when sending password resets as an admin.
- Renamed 'Event coordinators' field to 'Booking notifications'. Admin users can be selected in this field. Selected admins will receive notifications for new bookings and when booking limits being reached.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Using the breadcrumbs when creating/editing a feedback form would produce a 404 error.
- When editing a self-registration key, groups would not display when using advanced search.
July 2023
Version 1.75.0 - 27th July 2023
Updates to performance and notifications.
- Various performance optimisations.
- Updated default text of the waitlist add/remove notifications to be gender-neutral.
Version 1.74.0 - 20th July 2023
Updates to reports, courses and performance.
- Added learner profile status as a selectable column on the course completion report.
- Re-added the labels column to the Courses and Modules pages with an updated user experience.
- Various performance optimisations.
Version 1.73.0 - 13th July 2023
Various enhancements and bug fixes to improve user experience.
- Updated the names and added descriptions to available report types:
- Course completion: View completion status for multiple courses
- Module completion: View completion status for all modules within a course
- Event bookings: View bookings on face-to-face and virtual events
- Course feedback: View course feedback from learners
- Trainer feedback: View event feedback from trainers
- Updated the user experience of adding report filters to be clearer.
- Updated the navigation bar, tabs and footer styling to maximise consistency and page space.
- Updated the user dropdown:
- Updated the role badge styling to reduce space used.
- Added a 'Support guide' menu item, which goes to the homepage of the support guide.
- Renamed 'What's new' to 'Release notes' and moved it to the footer.
- Renamed 'Reset user onboarding' to 'Reset welcome and help banners' and moved it to the footer.
Groups and Organisation units
- Updated the buttons on the Groups and Organisation unit pages:
- Removed the Cancel buttons
- Remaining buttons now use the workspace primary colour
- The Licences tab has been hidden as sharing courses across workspaces is now managed by the new course sharing functionality. This tab is still visible to organisations which have the ability to offer course licences to other organisations (this setting is manually configured by Me Learning).
- Helpdesk email address and Helpdesk phone number fields are now non-mandatory. These fields can be configured by admins in Setup → Site Settings → Footer.
Bug fixes
- Resolved the following issues:
- Users were automatically redirected to the homepage if they navigated to pages too quickly after accessing a workspace.
- The venue menu item and events quick-links on the homepage were displaying on accounts without the EBS service enabled.
- Dropdown menus were going behind the page footer in certain circumstances.
- When editing a user, the breadcrumb now incorrectly said `Learners'.
- When editing a notification, the incorrect description values were displaying at the top of the edit panel.
- Legacy user roles were displaying when previewing a bulk invite import.
- In certain circumstances, events would display first in blended course content, regardless of the content order configured.
June 2023
Version 1.72.0 - 22nd June 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Admin quick links have been updated to align to the new course management experience.
- Resolved the following issues:
- In certain circumstances, admins were not receiving notifications when learners were added/removed on session waitlists in certain circumstances.
- In certain circumstances, learners on session waitlists were not receiving notifications when sessions became available.
- Descriptions of auto-enrolments were not saving.
- Hidden courses couldn't be selected in the 'Equals to' field when adding external training.
Version 1.71.0 - 13th June 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Improved performance of the courses page, resulting in faster load times and reduced errors.
- Resolved the following issues:
- Learners could not see the 'My completions' tab under certain circumstances.
- Admins could not preview SCORM modules when previewing a course.
- Admins in sites without the course creation service enabled could not view or edit course notifications (e.g. completions, reminders). All admins should now be able to manage these notifications.
- The menu and breadcrumbs were incorrect when editing/previewing a course.
- Courses were displaying in reverse order (Z-A).
- Automatic cancellation notifications were not sending under certain circumstances.
Version 1.70.1 - 5th June 2023
- Resolved an issue where an 'Access Denied' error would display when interfacing with courses and feedback forms in some circumstances.
Version 1.70.0 - 1st June 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved an issue where searching for trainers would only filter the first page of results.
- Resolved an issue where a greyed-out feedback form would appear on completed courses in some circumstances.
May 2023
Version 1.69.0 - 29th May 2023
In this release, the course creation, editing and sharing experiences have been reworked and simplified.
Updates to course creation and editing
We have enhanced the course creation and editing experience with the following changes:
- Courses are now displayed in a single list in each workspace.
- Previously, course content settings and catalogue settings were split between the course creator and admin view tabs.
- All course settings are now available on the same sidebar when editing a course.
- Added a column and filter for visibility which displays the visibility of the course in the current workspace, this can be:
- Hidden (default): The course is hidden from learners and only visible to admins and managers.
- All: The course is visible on the ‘Browse courses’ page to all learners.
- Specific: The course is visible on the ‘Browse courses’ page to learners in specified groups or organisation units.
- Updated the author column to display more information for organisations with multiple workspaces:
- If the course was created in another organisation, this organisation's name will be displayed (e.g. Me Learning).
- If the course was created in the current workspace, the current workspace name will be displayed.
- If the course was created in another workspace in your organisation, that workspace name will be displayed.
- Removed the label column from list view to avoid cluttering the table. Labels can still be used for filtering.
- Grid view now has the same actions as list view (e.g. edit, preview, enrol, withdraw).
- Simplified the course preview page design.
- Updated the certificate, feedback, notifications and enrolment and visibility course setting pages to be more consistent and easier to use.
Changes to draft and published courses
Publishing a course is now automatic: admins no longer need to manually publish a course or write publish notes. The publishing experience is now the following:
- When a course is created it is draft.
- When a piece of content is added (e.g. SCORM or event) to the course, is it now automatically published. When a course is published:
- The course becomes available for enrolments, withdrawals, auto-enrolments, workflows and in reports.
- The course's catalogue settings for the current workspace become available for editing (certificates, feedback, notifications, enrolment and visibility).
- The course visibility is set to hidden. This can be changed in the visibility settings.
- The course is available only in the current workspace. It can be shared to other workspaces by a site admin user using the new share function. This also applies to any events within the course.
- Because of these changes, the following has been removed: publish button, publish modal, status column, status badge, status filter.
New feature: Sharing courses
Courses (and any events within them) are no longer published to all workspaces by default. Instead, they are only available in the workspace they were created in. They can be shared to other workspaces by site admin users using the new share feature.
- Added a share option to a course's dropdown list (visible to site admin users only).
- Selecting this option displays a modal of all workspaces in the organisation.
- The site admin user can share the course to these other workspaces.
Note: Sharing a course to a workspace is a one-time action and cannot be undone.
- Once a course has been shared to a workspace, it becomes fully available in that workspace:
- It will become available for enrolments, withdrawals, auto-enrolments, workflows and in reports.
- Admins will be able to edit the course's catalogue settings (certificates, feedback, notifications, enrolment and visibility). By default the course has a visibility of hidden.
- Admins can fully manage any events with the course:
- They can create/edit/cancel sessions and create/cancel bookings. All sessions are shared across all workspaces where the event is available.
Note: Admins are able to view the details of all booked users on events which have been shared to their workspace, including users who have booked from another workspace.
To restrict events to a single workspace, do not share the course containing the event after creation.
Messaging has been added to ensure users are aware of this when either sharing courses which contain events or when editing events shared across workspaces.
April 2023
Version 1.68.0 - 12th April 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin and manager experience
- Updated the recipients displayed on the notifications page to be simpler and more informative.
- Resolved an issue where custom email senders were not being used in certain circumstances.
- Resolved an issue where course feedback forms could not be submitted by learners in certain circumstances.
- Optimised the performance of self registration and auto-enrolments.
March 2023
Version 1.67.0 - 30th March 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved an issue where sessions were not displaying in chronological order.
- Resolved an issue where automatic enrolments would trigger when inviting a non-learner user.
Version 1.66.0 - 27th March 2023
Updates to workflows and various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin experience
- There are now two distinct timeframe options when creating a workflow: Immediately and scheduled.
- Immediately: Enrol onto chosen course(s) immediately after completing the target course.
- Scheduled: Enrol onto chosen course(s) after completing the target course and a defined time interval has passed (e.g. 52 weeks). The workflow will run if the learner’s most recent completion is as old as, or older than, the defined interval.
- Resolved an issue where the 'enrol to courses' field was still active when inviting a user without the learner role.
- Resolved an issue where notifications could not be sorted by the title column.
- Resolved an issue where changing a learner's organisation unit or groups would display the incorrect enrolment status on auto-enrolments which would trigger.
- Resolved an issue where workflows were not working as intended in certain circumstances.
Version 1.65.0 - 20th March 2023
Updated default notifications and various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin and manager experience
- The default values (title, category, subject, content) of notifications have been updated to be simpler and more informative.
- Resolved an issue where workflows were not triggering on external records in certain circumstances.
- Resolved an issue where scheduled reports were sending from instead of
- Improved performance of the workflows page.
- Improved performance of the self registration process.
Version 1.64.0 - 9th March 2023
Added a course completion notification and various improvements to the notifications area.
💡 Highlights
- Added a course completion notification.
- Notification categories renamed to be clearer.
- Previously hidden notifications (e.g. enrolments, withdrawals) are now visible and editable.
Admin experience
- Added the 'Course completion' notification (sent to learners when they complete a course) to the notifications page.
- We have revamped the notifications area to be clearer and easier to use:
- Many previously uneditable notifications (e.g. enrolments, withdrawals) are now visible and editable.
- Categories have been renamed to be clearer. They are now: users, courses, events and reports.
- Notification triggers are now visible when editing a notification to make more room on the notifications list.
- Updated the messaging when deactivating/activating a notification to be clearer.
Learner experience
- Learners now receive an email notification when they complete a course.
- Resolved an issue where venue management was not appearing in the site admin area.
- Resolved an issue where breadcrumbs on session pages were not working for trainers.
Version 1.63.0 - 6th March 2023
Bug fixes, optimisations and a new default notification sender.
Site admin experience
- Updated messaging to make it clearer where trainers can be invited and edited.
Admin and manager experience
- Swapped the 'Catalogue' and 'People' items on the main menu.
- Updated default email sender address to (replaces, and
- For organisations using custom email senders: Invite, self-registration and password reset notifications will use All other notifications will use your custom sender.
- Resolved an issue where session dates were not appearing on grid view.
- Resolved an issue where admin menu items were displaying when using the 'Login as learner' feature.
- Resolved an issue where organisations without Event Booking could see the venues and rooms menu items.
- Removed the option to upload a PDF when adding external records to a learner's history. This wasn't working as intended and we hope to bring it back in the future.
February 2023
Version 1.62.0 - 23rd February 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin experience
- Improved on-screen messaging explaining when feedback forms are turned off globally on a workspace.
- Updated the onboarding messaging on the site admins page.
- Resolved an issue where a greyed-out feedback form would appear on a course when feedback was switched off.
- Resolved an issue where viewing sessions in the grid/tile view was causing an error.
Version 1.61.1 - 20th February 2023
- Fixed an issue where room details were not editable after being selected for an event.
- Fixed an issue where some events generated an error when listing sessions where the venue contained special characters.
Version 1.61.0 - 16th February 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin experience
- Admins can now edit a learner’s module progress by editing their history.
- Draft courses are now shown by default on the Courses page to admins.
- Draft events are now shown by default on the Events page to admins.
- Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved an issue where grid view was not displaying sessions as intended.
- Resolved an issue where workspace admins could not upload to the media library.
- Resolved an issue where courses would sometimes not appear in the search box when trying to select them on a workflow.
- Resolved an issue where venues were not editable after being selected for a session.
- Special characters (e.g. &/@/$/£) now display correctly in notification subject fields.
Version 1.60.0 - 9th February 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Admin experience
- Admins can now edit a learner’s module progress by editing their history.
- 'Delete profile' has been changed to ‘Archive profile’ to better reflect the action this performs (archived profiles can be reactivated at a later date if needed).
- Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved an issue where auto-enrolments were not working as intended when inviting new users.
Version 1.59.0 - 2nd February 2023
This update enhances the Edit learner and enrolment process giving better visibility on auto-enrolments when moving users to new Org units or Groups.
- Editing a user's Organisation unit or Group has been moved to a new tab on the Edit user page giving better visibility on courses to be automatically enrolled
- Admins and Managers can now enrol learners to courses direct from the user list
Admin and Manager experience
The option to move a user to a new Org unit or Group has been moved to a dedicated tab on the Edit user page. This gives better visibility on the courses which will be automatically enrolled to the user based on any move across your organisation.
To move a user to a new Org unit or Group:- Go to People → Users → Search for a learner
- Click Edit under the three dot menu
- Click Org unit and Groups on the left hand menu
- Choose the required Group or Org unit If any auto-enrolments would be triggered by this move you will now see the list of courses and current enrolment status with the option to uncheck any you do not wish to enrol.
- When you're happy, click Save changes The learner will be notified of any new enrolments.
Learners can now also be enrolled to multiple courses direct from the Learner list.
To do this:- Go to People → Users → Search for a learner
- Click the three dot menu next to their name
- Choose Enrol to courses and pick the courses required. You will see their current status on all courses in the list.
- Once selected click Enrol to courses
- Fixed an issue where Venue details could not be updated once allocated to an Event
- Fixed an issue where filtering the course catalogue produced an error
- Other minor bug fixes and stability improvements
January 2023
Version 1.58.0 - 26th January 2023
This update enhances the admin and manager roles and refines the learner enrolment experience.
- Learners now enrol to courses by going to My Learning → Browse Courses
- Managers can now manage enrolments and bookings for the org. units they manage
- Admins can now edit workspace settings (details, appearance, certificates, etc.)
Learner experience
Learners now enrol onto courses by going to My Learning → Browse Courses (moved from Catalogue).
- To enrol onto a course as a learner:
- Go to My Learning → Browse Courses → Select a course → Select ‘Enrol’
Manager experience
Managers can now manage enrolments and bookings for the org. units they manage.
- To enrol or withdraw a learner to a course:
- Go to Catalogue → Courses → Select the ‘⋮’ button → ‘Enrol learners’ or ‘Withdraw learners’.
- To book or cancel a learner on a session:
- Go to Catalogue → Events → Select an event → Select a session → Bookings → Book or Cancel.
- Bookings will enrol the learner to the course containing the event if they are not already enrolled to it.
Admin experience
Admins can now view and edit the following workspace settings: details, appearance, onboarding text, footer, user fields, sign up and authentication, feedback forms and certificates. Admins can now also view and edit organisation units.
- To view and edit workspace settings as an admin:
- Go to Setup → Site settings
- To view and edit organisation units as an admin:
- Go to People → Organisation units
- Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
- Resolved an issue where the site admins page was visible from within a workspace.
Version 1.57.0 - 23rd January 2023
Various bug fixes and optimisations to improve performance, stability and user experience.
Version 1.56.0 - 18th January 2023
This update simplifies workspace and site admin roles.
- Simplified workspace roles (Admin, Manager, Learner)
- Simplified site admin roles (Site admin, Trainer)
Workspace experience
Workspace roles have been simplified to make it easier to know what each user has access to.
- The Course creator, Learning experience administrator, User administrator, Course licence manager, Event coordinator’ roles have been consolidated into a single ‘Admin’ role. Users with this role can do everything in a workspace: Manage users, courses, enrolments and reports.
- Note: Users that had any of the above roles have been given the new admin role: If they do not require this level of access, please remove the admin role by editing their profile.
- Manager access is now configured by editing a user (moved from the organisation page).
After these changes, the roles for a workspace are:
Role | Description |
Admin | Has full access and all functionality. |
Manager |
Can manage users and enrolment requests (for specified organisation units). Note: Manager access is configured on the Edit user page. |
Learner | Can complete courses and download certificates. |
Site admin experience
Site admin (previously called ‘admin area’) is a space which gives users a holistic view of their workspaces and users. It can only be accessed by users with the ‘site admin’ role. Trainers can also be managed in the site admin space (requires at least one workspace with an event booking subscription).
- Renamed 'Admin area' to 'Site admin'.
- The Owner and Admin roles have been consolidated into a single ‘Site admin’ role. Users with this role can access the site admin space to edit workspace settings and users across workspaces.
- Site admin users can be given an additional privilege: ‘Can manage site admins and trainers’. Users with this privilege can invite, edit and remove site admin users. This is off by default.
- When accessing a workspace, site admins now automatically get full roles and permissions for that workspace (this removes the requirement for site admins to invite themselves to a workspace before accessing).
- Renamed ‘Learners’ page to ‘Users’.
After these changes, the roles for the site admin space are:
Role | Description |
Site admin | Has full access to all workspaces and users. |
Trainer | Can facilitate events and registers (requires event booking subscription). |
View more information about roles on the Roles and Permissions article.
Our next update will refine the manager experience and provide more options to admins within a workspace.
December 2022
Version 1.55.0 - 22nd December 2022
Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 1.54.0 - 15th December 2022
- Status filters can now be unselected when bulk inviting users.
- Various other bug fixes and stability improvements.
Version 1.53.0 - 8th December 2022
Various bug fixes and stability improvements.
November 2022
Version 1.52.0 - 29th November 2022
This update provides more flexibility when managing admin roles.
Reworked admin area roles to provide more options (Owner, Admin)
New page for managing admin area users (Owners, Admins, Trainers)
Admin experience
- Reworked admin area roles to provide three options:
Role | Access |
Owner |
Has full admin rights plus:
Can invite and edit admins and owners
Admin |
Setup: Can manage workspaces and venues (requires events)
People: Can manage learners and view admins |
None | Has no admin access |
- Renamed 'Users' to 'People' on the main menu
- Added an 'Admin' page inside the 'People' menu.
- This page displays all Owners, Admins and Trainers in your site.
- Admins are now invited by selecting 'Invite admin' (Owner role required)
Learner experience
There are no changes to the learner experience in this release.
Version 1.51.0 - 10th November 2022
This update streamlines the way events work in Form. Besides bringing improvements to events, this update also lays the groundwork for a larger update coming soon that will allow admins to manage all courses and events from a centralised area instead of having to jump between workspaces.
Note: An event booking subscription is required to access event-related features.
- Certificates and feedback can now be used for events
- Conditional enrolments can now be used for events
- Events can now be archived
- 'My learning' and 'My completions' now display events and courses in a single list
Admin experience
When viewing the list of courses:
- Added ‘Type’ filter
- Added ’Event’ filter
- Made ‘Edit’ the primary action on each course on the ‘Course creator’ tab
When viewing a course:
- Removed duplicated event names to improve readability
When editing a course:
- Renamed 'Modules' page to 'Content'.
- Events are now created by selecting 'Add event' on the 'Content' page.
- UX improvements to saving and publishing courses.
- Note: Courses must be saved and released before they (and any events they contain) are made visible to learners in the course catalogue.
- Note: Existing events (and their bookings) have been automatically migrated to sit within courses.
- Note: Any user with the 'event coordinator' role will be automatically granted the 'course creator' role if they do not already have it. This is so they can continue to edit events (as they now sit inside courses).
When viewing the list of events:
- Added ‘Status’ filter
- Added messaging to point admins to new event creation experience
When viewing an event:
- Added ability to archive events
- Added ‘View usage’ option
- Optimised button placement to improve UX
When viewing a session:
- Optimised button placement to improve UX
- Added ‘Enrol and book’ flow for admins now that events are wrapped in courses
Learner experience
When viewing enrolments
- Renamed ‘Course enrolments’ page to ‘My courses’
- Removed 'Events’ tab (as events are now accessed via courses)
When viewing completions
- Renamed ‘Completions’ page to ‘My completions’
- Removed ‘Events’ tab (existing events have been migrated into courses)
When viewing the catalogue
- Added ‘Type’ filter
When viewing a course
- Sessions are now listed in a table format to improve readability
- Optimised the learner booking process on courses with a only single event
- Added ‘Enrol and book’ flow for learners that try to book on a session when they aren't enrolled onto the parent course
August 2022
Version 1.47.0 - 29th August 2022
This update improves Form for administrators and adds some changes to managing trainers, venues and rooms:
Updates to the admin experience
- The master admin role has been renamed to admin.
- All admin menu options can be found in the new admin area.
- To access the admin area, log in and select access in the admin area box.
Updates to trainer, venue and room creation
- Trainers, venues and rooms are now managed in the admin area and can be used across all of your organisation’s workspaces.
- To manage trainers, access the admin area and go to users → trainers.
- To manage venues and rooms, access the admin area and go to setup → venues.
- Note: Event coordinators and infrastructure managers will lose access to creating and editing trainers, venues and rooms. Invite them as an admin from the Users page if they still require access.
Updates to the trainer experience
- Trainers now have a dedicated trainer area to view all sessions they are associated with.
- Trainers can now view their sessions by going to the admin area and selecting my training.
July 2022
Version 1.45.0 - 18th July 2022
New module report columns
Additional columns to be added to the module activity report:
- Number of launches (SCORM only)
- Time taken (SCORM only)
- First launch date (SCORM only)
- Last launch date (SCORM only)
- Module completion date
June 2022
Version 1.44.0 - 23rd June 2022
Fixes and improvements:
- Session bookings will be cancelled for archived learners
- We have fixed a bug where course labels did not show in admin view
- Faster loading times when searching on the user page
- Reviewing completed modules will no longer update the score
Version 1.43.0 - 13th June 2022
User expiry date
You can now set an expiry date for user profiles, granting a user temporary access to the system. When the profile hits its expiry date the user will no longer be able to access their account.
Fixes and improvements:
- Faster loading times for the auto-enrolments page
- Learners who have completed a course will not be re-enrolled on that course if an auto-enrolment is run retroactively
Version 1.42.0 - 2nd June 2022
Fixes and improvements:
- You can now sort by course "Type" in the admin view of the course catalogue
- Groups and Organisation units are now sorted alphabetically
- Bulk adding users to groups, will now trigger auto-enrolments
- Updated modules will now pull through the correct title to their respective course
- CSV exports of the digital learning chart in report dashboards will pull through course names
May 2022
Version 1.41.0 - 25th May 2022
Archive modules
For users who can create courses, modules can now be archived. Archived modules will remain in a course and can still be launched, however, you cannot place them into a new course or offer a course containing an archived module to another organisation. If needed the module can easily be re-activated.
Version 1.40.0 - 18th May 2022
New bulk actions
We have added three new bulk actions in Form:
- Remove users from a group
- Archive users
- Re-activate users (for when you need to give an archived user access to your workspace again)
Further improvements and fixes
- We have fixed issues regarding withdrawing users from courses who are either in progress or awaiting feedback.
Version 1.39.0 - 11th May 2022
Organisation unit managers
We have introduced a new role - Organisation unit manager. You can assign them to a specific Organisation unit so they can manage just those users and their enrolment requests.
Homepage dashboard
We have added a homepage with visual up-to-date information and quick links, giving you at a glance insights into your organisation's learning activity. This can be accessed by clicking the logo in the upper left-hand corner of workspace, as well as being the landing page for when you first enter the workspace.
Course labels
Labels can be added to a course when creating them. These labels can be used by all admins to filter by when searching.
Further improvements
- We have updated the landing page. Now, if you have multiple workspaces, you will land on the workspace selector page. If you have not, you will be taken straight into the workspace without having to select it.
April 2022
Version 1.36.0 - 14th April 2022
Bulk actions
You can now action things in bulk for users. Using the bulk action dropdown menu on the users page you can:
- Bulk add users to a group
- Resend and cancel invites
- Send out bulk invites
Version 1.35.0 - 8th April 2022
Completed Modules column
We have introduced a new column to course completion reports that shows how many modules a learner has completed.
March 2022
Version 1.33.0 - 28th March 2022
Report builder filter improvements
We have made it easier to add filters to your reports. You can now choose more filter options from a dropdown menu.
Version 1.32.0 - 15th March 2022
Course organisation unit visibility
You can now restrict course visibility to organisation units as well as workspaces. When you have a new course, it is hidden from all learners by default. You can then make the course visible only to users within specific organisation units or within the workspace in question.
You can see where a course is visible across your whole site to be able to manage who can see what.
Email scheduled reports
You can now schedule a report to run automatically at regular intervals and notify you and your colleagues when the report has been generated.
February 2022
Version 1.28.1 - 22nd February 2022
Further improvements and fixes
- Events with no upcoming sessions will no longer display for learners in their event catalogue.
- Fixed searching by First and Last name in a workspace.
- Fixed errors displaying when bulk enrolling users to a course.
Version 1.28.0 - 17th February 2022
Event and session editing
Event and sessions can now be edited at any time! There's no need to create a new session and move every booking to the new session, now you can update the date, time, event type, location, trainer and loads more. This also applies for those events and sessions that currently exist in Form.
Auto-enrolment rules have been streamlined
Auto-enrolments allow you to enrol an organisation unit or group to a selection of courses. Organisation units or groups that are auto-enrolled to the same selection of courses are now streamlined in to one rule. This will make the manageability of auto-enrolment rules much better by giving you the ability to manage a single rule. You can also give these rules names making it much easier to find.
You will find the auto-enrolment page is now split into two tables, organisation units on one tab and groups on the other. Helping you to scan and group the rules.
Those with existing auto-enrolment rules can expect to see their auto-enrolments migrated to this new way of presenting them. The name of the auto-enrolment will be the name of the target audience. You can edit these rules to streamline them into one by selecting all organisation units or groups that share the same auto-enrolment targets.
Delete a user profile
Need to remove a user from your workspace? Now you can! We have introduced the ability to delete a users profile in a workspace. This user will no longer be able to access this workspace or their history in this workspace. To remove the user completely from Form; all the users workspace profiles must be deleted. If all workspace profiles have been deleted, the user will only be able to access their personal information and activity log.
If a deleted user needs access to a workspace again, you can re-activate their profile in that workspace. This will instantly give them access to that workspace with their existing credentials in Form.
Further improvements
- We have introduced new filters, helping you find learners more easily, like users who have been invited but not signed up yet. New status' include:
- Active - User profiles that are active and can access the workspace.
- Invited - User profiles that have been sent an invitation to join.
- Rejected - Invitations that have been rejected by the recipient.
- Cancelled - Invitations that have been cancelled by an administrator.
- Deleted - User profiles that have been deleted and can no longer access the workspace.
- Expired - User profiles that have exceeded their expiry date and can no longer access the workspace.
January 2022
Version 1.26.0 - 27th January 2022
Course label filtering
Course creators and Learning Experience Administrators can now filter courses by label using the new filter menu in the course catalogue.
Hide events catalogue from your learners
The event catalogue can now be hidden from learners, meaning you can choose to publish all your face-to-face and virtual events as course modules only. This will give you greater control over event bookings, as only learners who have access to, or are enrolled onto the container course can book onto those events.
If you want to hide the events catalogue from your learners, please speak to your Account Manager at Me Learning.
Version 1.25.0 - 24th January 2022
Bug fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue where an administrator was unable to book self-registered learners onto Events
Fixed an issue where sorting course lists by status caused errors
Resolved sorting by upcoming dates on the events list within a course
Uploading SCORM modules containing special characters in linked assets such as commas, double quotes etc. could cause validation errors, these modules will now validate correctly
Release 1.24.0 - 13th January 2022
New user API integration
The latest version of Form LMS brings the much-awaited release of our user management API.
With Form LMS API, you can create a link between your external application, such as your HR system, and Form LMS. Your system can create, list, update and remove learner accounts in Form, as well as manage your Organisation structure. For example if you set a new hire up on your HR system, a new learner account can be created on Form, and enrolments made to the courses they need.
If you want to enable this feature for your organisation, please get in touch with your account manager at Me Learning.
December 2021
Release 1.23.0 - 27th December 2021
In this release, we have some big improvements to show off.
Master admin improvements
Master administrators now have access to all workspaces within your organisation. One of the key benefits of this is the overview of all users in your organisation which a Master Admin can access when not logged into any workspace.
User page improvements
When Master administrators view the user list from outside of a workspace they can see all users across all workspaces. From this view they can jump into any workspace to see more information about the user profiles within a workspace. The workspace view of the users list will then display profile specific user details and filters allowing you to easily filter users by organisation unit, group, role and profile status.
User history improvements
Master administrators can now see a user's history across all of their learner profiles when not logged into a workspace. Once Master admin accesses a workspace they can view the users history from within that specific workspace. From the user history, all completed, enrolled or upcoming courses and events can be seen and updated. In addition, an .xlsx file can be exported of their history.
Learners now access their history from the My learning menu. Here they can see their enrolled courses, upcoming events, their course and event completions.
Further improvements
- Workspace logos can now be resized in the workspace settings.
- Users' full name column on the user list page have been separated into first name and last name columns to improve searching and sorting.
- To access the administrator home page in a workspace, click the logo in the top left corner.
- There's now a What's new page where the latest version of Form and it's features can be found.
- We fixed an issue with highlighting and formatting text on course description fields
November 2021
Release 1.22.0 - 1st November 2021
In this release, we have directed our efforts to improve course re-enrolment workflows – the automation of new course enrolments based on external training records and previous course completions.
Workflows on external training
We’ve added the ability for workflows to be triggered by external training records – learner records imported to Form LMS. This gives administrators the ability to choose external completions as a trigger to enrol users onto new or refresher courses within Form.
Running a Workflow retroactively on historic completions
We have also added the option to run a workflow rule on users who may have completed a trigger course outside of the specified timeframe.
For example - you need all users to take a First Aid course every year. You create a workflow that, on completion of the course, re-enrols learners to the same course or a refresher 12 months later.
You can now tick a checkbox to Run this rule on all users with completions. This will check back beyond the 12 months to also re-enrol users who completed the course over a year ago.
Further improvements
- Course progress – We have updated the course progress indicator, which was previously displayed as a percentage, to now show the number of modules in the course and how many modules have been completed.
- We have resolved an issue where learners were seeing enrolment date column rather than the completion date column displayed in their completed courses list.
October 2021
Release 1.20.0 - 19th October 2021
In this release, we have pushed two big new features! The first feature is to allow the use of single sign-on ( SSO ) so users can login with the ease of a single click rather than provide separate credentials to Form. Users will now see a single Username field on the login page and, on entering their email address, Form will check SSO status and, if enabled, users can sign in without the need to enter another password.
The second feature is the ability to upload Multi-SCO files to the LMS - a single file that contains multiple SCORM modules. This not only reduces the administrative overhead as the single file contains all the embedded modules for a given course, but also makes it easier to launch modules and save progress, as a learner.
Single sign-on
Single sign-on is an authentication process that allows your users to securely access Form LMS using their existing credentials from your own identity provider. Once setup, your users can access their training with a single click - no need to remember new usernames or passwords.
What do you need to do?
Please contact your account manager if you'd like to discuss getting single sign-on enabled on your account.
A mutli-sco module is a single file containing multiple modules, making it easier to launch modules and save progress all in the same window. Courses with multiple SCORM modules can be downloaded into a single ZIP file. They can then be uploaded to any LMS as a single SCORM module and added to a course, where learners can then open all their learning content in one window and save their progress.
Further improvements
- Fixed an issue on the Learning Activity dashboard where some completions were displaying by course enrolment date rather than completion date
- Keyboard navigation has been added to the self-registration process
September 2021
Release 1.19.0 - 21st September 2021
In this release, we have made several improvement to the user experience. One key improvement is a new layout for session registers, read below to find out more.
New session register layout
Trainers and event co-ordinators can now find a new layout for session registers. Now included in the layout is the event name, the date and time of the session, the logo used in your workspace and a table consisting of the users names booked onto the session, an attendance column and two optional columns: an email address column and a custom additional column, that you can give your own header. This register can be downloaded and printed ahead of the event.
Course refresh after module completion
SCORM modules now open in new browser windows. In doing so, when the user completes the module or closes the window, the course page will automatically refresh, updating the progress made on the course. This means users no longer have to manually refresh the page after completing a module.
Course creation improvements
When creating a course, a prompt will appear when moving to the modules section to save the course as a draft. After saving the course as a draft you will no longer be taken away from the course builder, instead you will now remain in the course builder ready to add modules.
When adding modules to a course there is now an accessible blue Confirm button that will add the module to the course.
Feedback form prompts for learners
When a learner enrols to a course they will see that the feedback form is required at the end of the course. When they reach the end of all the modules in a course they will be prompted to provide feedback in the feedback form. This will inform the learners that the feedback is required to complete the course.
Improved usability entering email addresses
When entering an email address either when logging in or inviting a user, leading and trailing empty characters will be ignored.
Email addresses are also no longer case sensitive when typing in an email address field.
Further improvements
- You can navigate across Form using the Tab key for most of the user interface.
- Tables will now show the correct amount of rows, that are displayed on a page.
- The correct booking status will now display for a learner that has booked onto a session for an event module.
- Trainers can now access virtual events using Form. By going to the session they will find a Join button which will open the link provided for a virtual event.
- HTML tags will no longer show for event descriptions in courses.
- If you have been logged out due to your session expiring, you will be notified that this was the case.
Release 1.18.0 - 6th September 2021
In this release, we introduce the 'a new course' reminder notification with the ability to make it your own (or as many as you require). This feature comes with slight improvements to the notifications table.
Course completion reminder
Learners can now receive a reminder to complete their unfinished courses. Each course now has the setting to send a reminder to complete the course, after a given time after enrolment.
The notification can be copied from the settings area. From here it can be given customised content and adjust the settings so that the notification will send when you want it to and how many times you want it to. The custom notification will then be saved as a template to use on other courses or on your entire workspace.
By default this reminder will be triggered automatically after one week of not completing the course, however, this can be turned off for a course in the course settings.
Notification table improvements
The notification table now has a new Title column, making the notification you are looking for easier to find by giving the notification a specific name.
This table also now has filters so you can narrow down a search to find the right notification you wish to edit or view. Filters include: Category, Recipient and Status.
Release 1.17.0 - 5th August 2021
In this release we have introduced an improvement for learners regarding completing their courses and an improvement for administrators when bulk inviting users to the platform.
Course details page improvements
Users enrolled to a course will notice a slight change to the layout of the course details page. A progress bar can now be found on the right hand side of the page, giving end users insight as to how far they have progressed through the course. This is also accompanied by any useful links and attachments that have been assigned to the course.
When a user completes the course and any feedback attached, they will then see a completion status followed by their completion date and a certificate. With this users can now re-enrol onto courses (unless a request is required) and can be re-enrolled by learning experience administrators.
Bulk invite improvements
User administrators can now bulk invite to multiple organisation units using the xlsx template to download. From there they will be able to select which organisation unit to assign per user and from the template can copy and paste for bulk assigning.
On the preview, the administrator can filter entries by their status. If they are ready then users will be invited, if they are invalid then the entries may need amending before they can be invited.
When starting the invitation process, the administrator can see a progression report at the bottom of the table, displaying a count of how many users have been invited, already invited, failed invites and how many entries are invalid.
July 2021
Release 1.16.0 - 14th July 2021
Virtual sessions
In this release we have introduced the ability to hold virtual events for those with the Events Booking System. Events can hold both face-to-face and virtual sessions so learners can be given an option for their preferred learning environment. To find out more about how it works, check out our guide
Release 1.15.0 - 5th July 2021
Bulk withdraw
In this release we have introduced the ability to Withdraw a user from a course groups of learners from enrolments for a selected course. This gives administrators the ability to search for users who have not started a given course, withdraw multiple learner enrolments and reclaim those course licences.
Bug fixes and improvements
Resolved an issue with scheduled reports where daily reports may have been skipped.
Fixed an issue where the 'minimum bookings not reached' email may have been sent in error.
Problem with adding PDF files to courses shared from another customer account resolved.
June 2021
Release 1.14.0 - 15th June 2021
In this release, users can now have external training added to their learning history in Form. These records can be used to trigger workflows that are setup in your workspace.
External training workflows
External training can be used to trigger workflows by matching the external record to an existing course in your catalogue. If the external training matches a course used for a workflow and the user with the external training matches the workflow criteria (organisation unit, group etc.) then they will be enrolled on to the course set by the workflow.
Release 1.13.0 - 1st June 2021
In this release, we have introduced an option for learners to provide Feedback for courses and for this to be reportable.
Feedback templates
Feedback is enabled on a Workspace level, then switched on a per-course basis. It is offered to the learners, once the module(s) have been completed, prompting the learner to launch the feedback form, accordingly.
Feedback reporting
Any feedback given on a course can be reported back using the report builder. There is now a new reporting area, Feedback, where you can report on two areas: Course feedback or trainer feedback. Course feedback will return the courses that have had feedback on a per user basis. Trainer feedback will return all events with feedback from trainers on a per trainer basis.
May 2021
Release 1.12.0 - 14th May 2021
In this release, we have introduced a new self-registration feature as well as custom user fields.
The new self-registration feature in Form now allows your users to sign up to Form for themselves saving you time and effort.
You can now generate and share self-registration keys allowing your users to simply click a link, enter their details and access their training.
Links can even be customised to allow access to specific areas of your organisation. This means you can set up auto-enrolments on an organisation unit or group, share a sign-up link and know that your users can do the rest to get easy access to the courses they need.
How to enable self-registration
Custom user fields
Form LMS now allows you to add up to 10 custom fields to your user profiles enabling you to store additional information against your users such as job title, payroll number and phone number.
Custom fields can be made optional or mandatory and the data can be captured by administrators when inviting users, on a user's first access or during the self-registration process.
All custom fields can be used as filters and output as columns in your reports.
March 2021
Release 1.11.0 - 15th April 2021
In this release we have introduced a number of new features, we have added the ability to impersonate a learner, attach documents to the course page, and include useful links on the course page. There are also the usual minor bug fixes and improvements.
Impersonate a learner
The impersonate a learner feature allows a user administrator to emulate the perspective of a given learner. This offers admins a greater view of the user journey, allowing them to troubleshoot technical issues, help with courses, and other problems, that require admins to see the site from a user view.
Attach a document
Documents, such as PDF and Word files, can now be attached to the course page for users to access and download. These documents are not mandatory elements of the course and are purely supplementary, meaning they are available to view at the user's discretion, but they are not required to read them. This is useful, if you wish to attach reference guides, or case studies to aid the users learning.
Useful Links
In addition to documents, you can now also include useful links on course pages, for example, to link to online resources. Again, these won't form part of the mandatory element and allow course creators to include supplementary material.
Release 1.10.1 - 24th March 2021
In this release, we have introduced an enhanced certificate editor, accompanied by the usual bug fixes and improvements.
Certificate editor
The certificate editor has now been improved to allow for greater customisation. Certificates are stored at a workspace level, and by default, each workspace has a basic default template branded with the workspace logo. New certificates can be created when editing the workspace via the Admin menu. The new editor allows admins to change the logo for the header and footer, and the body of text, including font, size, and position.
Bug fixes and improvements
- When editing a user, the status toggle (Active/Inactive), will now save accordingly when updated.
Release 1.10.0 - 9th March 2021
In this release, we have introduced Dashboard Reporting and Keywords, accompanied by some bug fixes and improvements.
Dashboard Reporting
Dashboard reports have been introduced to the reporting suite. These filterable and organised reports provide key metrics to admins, giving an overview of various areas of the system, and allowing them to drill into different segments for a deeper analysis. The dashboard reporting covers digital learning, system usage, learning activity, and course completions.
Keywords can now be included with modules, allowing for better searching as each module can be assigned keywords to differentiate them from one another. For example, where there is a large volume of modules, keywords can be included to define the subject such as 'Safeguarding' or 'GDPR', so when an admin is searching for modules, by just typing 'Safeguarding' into the search field they will see a list of all modules relating to Safeguarding.
Bug fixes & Improvements
- Dashboard reports have moved to a dedicated report area
- Label filters have been added allowing admins to filter the course catalogue by labels assigned to a course
February 2021
Release 1.9.0 - 19th February 2021
In this release, we have introduced workflows and enrolment notifications, accompanied by some bug fixes and improvements.
Workflows can now be set up to allow automatic re-enrolments. For example, if a course is required to be completed annually (such as GDPR training) users can be automatically re-enrolled onto the course on an annual basis. This feature is accessible to Learning Experience Administrators, found in the User Menu.
Enrolment notifications
Learners will now receive an enrolment notification via email when they are enrolled, or enrol themselves, onto a course. If a learner has enrolled themselves onto a course, they will receive an accept or reject notification when a Learning Experience Administrator responds to their enrolment request for a course with a conditional enrolment.
How to edit notifications
Bug fixes and improvements
- Enrolment status on a learner's course catalogue now displays the correct enrolment status.
Release 1.8.0 - 3rd February 21
In this release, we have added three new features; feedback forms, the ability to recover deleted workspaces, and the ability to set up users already associated with an Organisation Unit to an auto-enrolment target. We also have some bug fixes to accompany this release.
Feedback forms
Feedback forms can now be created and included in courses for your learners to fill out following completion of all modules within the course.
Learning Experience Administrators can create these feedback forms by editing a course via the Course Catalogue menu. Creating a form is simple and gives you the freedom to produce a survey of your own design by using multiple-choice, single choice, or open text questions.
Learners will be prompted to complete the feedback form after they have completed all the modules within a course. Only after completing the form, will the course show as fully complete.
Recover deleted workspaces
With the previous release allowing you to delete workspaces, we have implemented an archive system with this recent release. You can review what has been deleted and have the ability to recover deleted workspaces.
Retrospective auto-enrolments
Auto-enrolments can now target users already active on a workspace - where previously they could only target new users.
You can now assign active users to the new auto-enrolment rule, meaning they will be enrolled in the course(s) defined by the rule, allowing groups of users to be enrolled on a course immediately.
Bug fixes
- The learner view in the course catalogue will show the correct enrolment status, i.e. - enrolled or not enrolled.
- Modules now display the correct version number in a course.
- Enrolment request admin visibility issues are now fixed.
- Text improvements across the platform.
January 2021
Release 1.7.0 - 26th January 2021
In this release, we are introducing the feature to delete some system objects, and the ability to create certificate templates for your workspaces. We also have some bug fixes and improvements to accompany.
Delete system objects
We have added the ability to delete any redundant and unwanted workspaces and images from your organisation's account, allowing you to clean up your account if necessary.
Certificate templates
This feature will allow you to create certificates (templates) to award learners after the completion of a course. It gives Learning Experience Administrators the ability to quickly include a certificate, whether that be a workspace default certificate or a bespoke one for a specific course.
Bug fixes
- The maximum number of characters allowed for the course description field has been extended (approximately 6500 characters).
- Errors regarding certificates included in courses have been fixed.
- Learners can now cancel enrolment requests and Learning Experience Administrators will be notified of this.
- The most popular course graph data has been optimised to improve loading speed.
Release 1.6.0 - 18th January 2021
In this release, you can expect a detailed view of how course licenses are being used, two new notifications, and bug fixes. Learning experience administrators have two new notifications they can expect to receive; the first notification is when a new course arrives in the workspace catalogue, and the second is when a learner has requested to enrol on a course with a conditional enrolment type.
Course license details
The course licenses menu has now been enhanced with a 'details' button, providing course license managers greater insight into how users are using their courses. The details view shows a list of when a user accesses a course and how many times they have accessed it.
New course offered notification
Learning Experience Administrators will now be notified when a new course is added to the workspace catalogue. This notification will give you an opportunity to access and change the course visibility and conditions as soon as a new course arrives in your workspace, keeping courses up-to-date as they arrive in your workspace.
Enrolment request action required notification
As seen in a previous release, courses can now be set to a conditional enrolment type, meaning learners have to request permission to enrol in a course. Now, Learning Experience Administrators will receive an email notification when a learner makes a request, allowing administrators to react quickly when a request is received. It will also keep the administrators up-to-date on who is making a request and how many requests have been made.
Bug fixes
- Issues regarding an event score in a learner's training history have now been fixed.
- Event co-ordinators can now see reports without an error notification.
- Usability issues when using advanced search is now fixed.
- Issues regarding group management are now fixed.
Release 1.5.0 - 14th January 2021
To welcome the new year with some positivity, we have a new release and bug fixes!
Course visibility and enrolment type can now be adjusted for your organisation, users can now be organised into groups in your organisation structure and a user can now be enrolled onto multiple courses using their profile.
Course visibility and enrolment settings
When your organisation receives or creates a new course, Learning Experience Administrators have the ability to choose which workspaces within your organisation a course is visible to.
They will also be able to change the enrolment type of a course by either keeping the course as an Open Enrolment, or changing it to a Conditional Enrolment.
Open enrolment will allow users who have access to the course to freely enrol on their own terms.
Conditional enrolment will allow learners to make a request for enrolment - this will require an administrator to accept the request (this can be done by a Learning Experience Administrator).
A Learning Experience Administrator will be notified by both email and via Form for each enrolment request.
This will give you additional controls to ensure that your users have access to the right courses.
User groups
Users within a workspace can now be organised into groups, giving flexibility for complex organisational structures. This means users can now be placed into organisation units and be assigned to groups - which sit independently.
Groups make it easier to class a selection of users, for auto-enrolments or to simply make it possible to find a specific selection of users, for purposes of searching or reporting.
Enrolling a user in multiple courses
Users can now be enrolled onto multiple courses when inviting them to a workspace or editing their profile. This helps administrators make sure specific learners are enrolled on the right courses for their training.
Bug fixes
- An issue with running some types of SCORM files is now fixed.
- An issue with the display of information on Advanced search fields has been fixed.
December 2020
Release 1.4.0 - 3rd December 2020
In this release, we have a lot of updates and bug fixes, including an update to Terms and Conditions. The reporting dashboard has some new enhancements and users can now be invited in bulk to an organisation unit.
Workspaces are now the top-level unit within organisation units, making it easier to map your organisation across multiple workspaces.
Report dashboard enhancements
The dashboard for all administrators now has two new visual reports - Active learners and Learner logins.
Active learners will breakdown the total number of invited learners into those who have been invited, are active, or have rejected the invitation.
This report also contains an interactive element that will allow you to select a segment of the chart and drill down into a filtered list, of the user's page, displaying either those that are active, invited or rejected.
Learner logins is a system usage graph and will show you how many and how often learners log in to the system.
The dashboard has also received minor improvements to the data it displays.
Bulk inviting to an organisation unit
It is now possible to invite users to an organisation unit using the bulk invite process. Prior to this improvement, the bulk invite process allowed you to invite multiple users to the system into one workspace but did not allow you to assign them to an organisation unit. Now, when bulk inviting users you will select which organisation unit you wish to assign them to.
Organisation structure improvements
Workspaces are now the top-level unit within organisation units making it easier to map an organisations structure across multiple workspaces.
Bug fixes
- Events in courses no longer show UTC time and now show local time.
- The Completions and enrolments report now clearly shows the date tooltip along the date axis.
- Master admins will now no longer see reports in workspaces where they only have the learner role.
- Modules that are selected when creating a course will now display as the latest version release.
- Courses with an auto-enrolment that are assigned to an organisation unit now trickle down to the child organisation units, if any.
November 2020
Release 1.3.0 - 17th November 2020
There are plenty of new features in this release that will provide a great user experience in Form. These include the ability to be able to bulk enrol learners to a course, send emails from bespoke email addresses, a way to import external training into Form, and courses can now have a duration and label attached to them.
Bulk enrol
Learning experience administrators will now have the ability to bulk enrol learners to a course. They will find this feature under 'more options' on the admin view of a course, this feature will return a list of learners in a workspace that can be enrolled. The list of learners will also display those who are already enrolled and when the learner last completed the course, if at all.
Bespoke email senders
Learners no longer have to receive email notifications from Form's default email address, learners can now receive email notifications from your company's own email address.
External training
External training history can now be imported into your workspace on Form meaning all your learners can have all of their training completions in one uniform place, making it easy to track users training records.
Course duration and labels
Courses can now have a duration and labels making them retrospectively more descriptive to learners and easier to find amongst a busy course catalogue for administrators. The duration will show in the learners' course catalogue giving them details to show if they have time to take the course. Labels are available for administrators so courses can be organised amongst a busy catalogue; they can be re-used more than once and are saved so you can quickly select a label when editing or creating a course.
Release 1.2.0 - 2nd November 2020
New releases include Workspace customisation, acceptance of terms and conditions and cookie and privacy notice is now displayed in the footer.
Workspace customisation
You can now customise your workspace to make it feel like your own platform. Now you can display your organisation's logo in the header of the page, the name of the workspace is now displayed under the logo by default, however, this can be changed in the customisation settings.
To make it feel more like your own you can also change the primary colour, the text colour and background colour across the platform, however, do note that this could affect accessibility issues.
The welcome message that learners see when first entering the platform can also be customised to give your learners the experience you want to give them.
Finally, you can also add a helpdesk email address and phone number that will appear at the bottom of the page. This is so that if your users run into a problem they can contact someone within your organisation for help.
Terms and conditions
Terms and conditions must now be accepted upon first accessing Form.
Cookie and privacy notice
You can now view the cookie and privacy notice for using Form on the footer of the system.
October 2020
Release 1.1.0 - 15th October 2020
In this release, Learners can now view their enrolled courses, Admins have a new homepage with links to their top tasks and visual reports.
Learner dashboard enhancement
Learners can now view the courses they have enrolled on and completed in the new view My courses which can be found in their My learning dashboard, giving learners one place where they can view all of the learning that concerns them.
'My courses' gives the learner the opportunity to access the course they are enrolled to and download any certificates for courses they may have completed. It also gives learners the information needed to know how long they have been enrolled in a course and how far through a course they are, so they can concentrate on the courses that are of priority.
Admin homepage
All administrators now have a homepage tailored to their role. This homepage is designed to give administrators a simple and efficient experience by using quick links. The quick links will guide you quickly around the platform to the top tasks or places that concern you the most.
All administrators will now also have visual reports on their homepage to give a visual overview of how learners are using the platform. Currently, these visual reports regard completions and enrolments, enrolment status and the top six most popular courses.