Courses are formed of one or more pieces of learning content (SCORM modules or events) and are published in the course catalogue for learners to enrol on.
Role required: Site admin, Admin
Creating a course
To create a course:
- Go to: Catalogue → Courses and select Create course
- Enter the name of the course and select Continue
Once a course has been created, it can be edited:
Copying a course
Courses created by your organisation can be copied. Once a course has been copied, its content and settings can be fully edited, completely independent of the original course.
To copy a course:
- Go to: Catalogue → Courses → Find the course you want to copy → ⁝ → Copy
- A new course will appear in the list with the name of the original course followed by ' - copy'.
- e.g. If you copied ‘Course A’, the new course would be called ‘Course A - copy’.
Note: Courses which contain events cannot be copied.
Once a course has been created, it can be edited: